
Degreed Toolkits

Degreed is powerful but are you and your team getting the most out of it? Our Degreed Training Toolkits help you empower your team to create high-quality content that solve user problems and meet their expectations.

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Your challenge...

Your team finds Degreed confusing, managers don’t know howto support them, and the adoption is lower than you’d expected. Your learning teams use traditional training design approaches and struggle creating engaging content that solves actual problems.  

Our Degreed Training Toolkits…

Empower and engage users, helping them to seamlessly navigate Degreed and get the most out of it. Create high quality, engaging content built and delivered around the user’s needs and objectives

You’ll end up with…

  • Engaged teams who actually enjoy using Degreed because of its simplicity and intuitive experience.
  • Relevant,exciting learning that inspires, driving long-lasting behavioural change and structured career development.

  • Content creators and learning designers using human-centred learning design to identify  and create well-structured solutions optimised for Degreed.
  • An L&D offering categorised as exceptional because of this simple, worth-its-weight-in-gold platform that meets and exceeds your people’s needs

The Toolkits

Our Degreed Training Toolkits are aimed at two user groups. The ‘users and people managers’, and the ‘teams that develop content for them’.

Everything can be made available in multiple languages, and it is always customised with your company brand. The Toolkits and the content will live within your CMS and Degreed platform, and we’ll update them if the UI changes.


Get Started with Degreed: Users (10 min)

Intros to Degreed are out there. But they’re too complex, long, or just… boring. We’ve created a 5-minute rundown with videos and branded PDFs to introduce the key benefits and a simple ‘how-to-use’ Degreed. It’s practical, simple, and includes another five minutes worth of bonus content of helpful reference docs for things active users will need later.  

Get Started with Degreed: People managers (10 min)

Your managers are instrumental in making Degreed a success. They support their teams in how to use it, they update skills ratings, share content, and they use the manager dashboard to keep an overview of the skills being developed by their teams. This introduction covers everything they need to know.

Content Creators: The Core Toolkit (40 mins)

Regardless of your content creators’ backgrounds, the Core Degreed Toolkit aligns everyone to create practical solutions and help colleagues solve real problems. It is based on a simplified version of our 5Di toolkit, and loaded with videos, templates, best practice examples, and design guidelines – all interwoven with your governance and guidance.

Content Creators: The Advanced Toolkit

This toolkit addresses your teams' specific needs, covering a range of advanced topics like searchability of content, branding and image design, integration with SharePoint and Stream, Degreed administration and reporting, and template-based quality content creation for replacing simple pathways or complex activities in Degreed.


Work with us on getting more out of Degreed

Our Toolkit gets you off toa flying start with Degreed. But each business is different and there will be unique challenges that may be harder to solve. Here’s how we can help:

1. Supercharge your team

We analyse your challenges and use toolkits, workshops, and coaching to develop your team, empowering them to create effective, engaging learning experiences. We cover analysis, design and development, content marketing and comms, and basic Degreed administration and reporting. This can be done standalone or with any of our other services. 

2. Flagship products

Using our 5Di learning design expertise, we help you create stand-out flagship programmes —optimised, of course, for Degreed. With our award-winning programme design and development expertise, we guide you to creating content in the best format, in the right branding that works in Degreed, and supported with the right comms campaigns and measurement.

3. Custom content/brand

Most companies using Degreed struggle with how to repurpose and move content into Degreed. This means making it findable, well structured, and often custom branded. We can craft custom, consumer-grade design guidelines,brands, and templates ensuring your teams deliver content with the same quality and style. 

4. Measurement and admin

Degreed’s reporting suite can be used to track usage, and for manybulk administrative tasks. We can show you the ropes, and help you use third-party tools to integrate the data with survey results, browser tracking etc., to create a clearer picture of what your learners want to achieve.  

5. Comms and engagement

The launch of Degreed, or a solution hosted in Degreed, is the actual beginning of the product in eyes of your users. It’s important they know about it, care about it, and want to use it. Solvd can help plan, create, and execute engagement campaigns that drive hunger from colleagues to get engaged and involved with your learning.

Degreed: Solvd Toolkit fan club

"We have not only launched Degreed. We have launched a whole new way of thinking and working with digital learning in Novo Nordisk. We could not have done this without Solvd."

Peter Riber, Novo Nordisk

Need more support?

We’re on hand to assist with any aspect of our Degreed Toolkits, whether you need a small question answering, or detailed guidance on how to implement the whole thing.

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